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Local Action Group Ziemia Gotyku was created in 2006 as part of LEADER Programme and since then it has implemented two Local Development Strategies (2006-2008 and 2009-2015) and Community-led Local Development Strategy for years 2016-2023. Now it is executing its CLLD Strategy for years 2023-2029. LAG Ziemia Gotyku creates a local partnership combining the potencial o f municipalities, organizations, institutions (including libraries, cultural centres), companies and local leaders to whip up exciting projects in the Chełmża, Łubianka, Łysomice, Papowo Biskupie communes and Chełmża town area in Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. There are about 45 thousand inhabitants in this region. The area is partly characterised by traditional agriculture and partly it is a small town (Chełmża) with a historic downtown and surrounding it rural areas with mostly dormitory town function (for people from cities: Toruń and Bydgoszcz).

The Community-led Local Development Strategy for years 2023-2029 concetrates on following goals:

Goal 1: Strengthen the integration and competencies of the inhabitants within the LSR (Local Development Strategy) area by developing social services in the local community.
Goal 2: Create better living and development conditions for all residents of the LSR Ziemia Gotyku area, particularly for those in disadvantaged situations.
Goal 3: Achieve sustainable development of the LSR area by making rational use of and developing local natural and cultural resources, as well as the potential of nature.

The target group for LAG support includes all residents of its area, particularly children and youth, seniors, parents, women, people with disabilities and their caregivers, small-scale farmers, and entrepreneurs.

Local Action Group Ziemia Gotyku actively supports local and supra-local initiatives by participating in the activities of local governments, cultural institutions, and social welfare institutions, as well as supporting the initiatives of local social organizations, youth and seniors.

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