
Local Action Group Ziemia Gotyku (eng. “the land of gothic”) was created in 2006 as a part of LEADER Programme and since then it has been participating in the LEADER Programme (2006-2015) and two Local Development Strategies (2006-2008 and 2009-2015). Now it is executing its CLLD Strategy for years 2016-2023.
The area of the LAG includes 5 boroughs: Łubianka, Łysomice, Papowo Biskupie, Chełmża and Chełmża – town, all of them located in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodoship. There are about 45 thousand inhabitants in this region. The area is partly characterised by traditional agriculture and partly it is a small town (Chełmża) with a historic downtown and surrounding it rural areas with mostly dormitory town function (for people from cities: Toruń and Bydgoszcz).

The Local Development Strategy concentrates on following issues:

  • Decreasing levels of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion among the inhabitants;
  • Improving the quality of lives;
  • Animating local communities;
  • Economic development and creation of new jobs;
  • Protecting the quality of the environment and climate;
  • Promoting local resources and products.

Transnational Cooperation Project
One of the greatest issues in the area is pollution, coming from agricultural production, means of transport, inappropriate waste management and use of heating units which do not meet environmental norms. There have been promoted renewable energy sources for the last few years, e.g. a network of solar panels on the residential and public buildings, LED illumination and acquisition of wind power. However, high cost of renewable sources of energy and a low level of environmental consciousness among inhabitants lead to marginalization of such pro-environmental actions.
Hence, the idea of an international project which would concentrate on the actions in the field of environmental awareness and an increase in the number of pro-environmental solutions which can reduce water, air and soil contamination, help with saving the energy, decrease the waste production and so on.
Currently we are looking for a LAG partner to develop this kind of project together.
To get more information, please contact our office: animator@ziemiagotyku.com.

Previously implemented projects:

Trail of Tradition and Taste

Local Action Group “Ziemia Gotyku” in 2012-2013 implemented a cooperation project called “Trail of Tradition and Taste”. The aim of the project was to promote the culture and traditions of the historical Ziemia Chełmińska by showing the attractions of the area and resourcefulness of the local people. The results of the project was a creation of the official trail around the eight communes that contains the description and marking of attractions for tourists: monuments, places of natural value, places of memory, traditional products and local events promoting the area.

The project created a guide to “The Trail of Tradition and Taste” with a map and the website: www.szlaktradycji.pl (available in Polish). Each of the LAGs participating in the project organized their event promoting the trail offer. In addition, quest games were developed in selected destinations. The trail covers over 100 places and attractions in the area of eight communes located in the central part of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship. The project was co-financed by European Union funds under the LEADER Program.

In the years 2017-2018 it is planned a creation of the trail in the next cooperation project called „Treasures of Ziemia Chełmińska” in the area of 19 communes.

Business grant projects

One of the main aims of the Local Development Strategy is developing the economic sector of the CLLD area. The residents of the LAG area have the opportunity to get financial support in the amount of 50.000 PLN (approx. 12 000 euro) to set up a new business. The micro or small entrepreneurs who are running their business in the Ziemia Gotyku region and want to increase income and/or develop the company can apply for grants up to 300.000 PLN (approx. 75 000 euro). The projects have to include the creation of new jobs and increasing the skills base. According to the Local Development Strategy, we favour the businesses connected with the culture, tourism and recreation, education, food and accommodation, health and social care. All the applications for grant support must be complaint with the Local Development Strategy and contain a coherent business plan.

In the first funding round the LAG granted about 1 500 000 PLN (350 000 euro) from the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020 to 7 start-ups and 4 ongoing businesses. The beneficiaries of European funds set up small companies such as: tattoo studio, ecological car wash, promotion and advertising company, training and practice, fast food restaurant, and home automated technology system. The companies that received money for development are related to food and accommodation, sales, and building and production of the roof elements.

More information available HERE.

Intergeneration project

In 2016 Local Action Group Ziemia Gotyku implemented an intergeneration project. We tried to activate and integrate young and senior inhabitants in different forms of participating that included heritage, culture and history of the places where they live. The project was supported by Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich, which is a public initiative fund.

First, we organized an inauguration meeting and invited inhabitants, local leaders and representatives of NGOs. During the event, there was a historical presentation about Ziemia Chełmińska made by a local historian, performance of a folklore band and an opportunity to try some pieces of the traditional polish cuisine.

During the next stage, we invited our participants to take part in off-road workshops: they received cameras and were encouraged to take pictures of local attractions. They learnt about creative photojournalism and how to make short movies. In the end, each group prepared a short movie.

All the movies were uploaded on our website and the local people could vote for the most interesting one. The winner received an attractive award.

The movies (in Polish) are available HERE.

In years 2019-2020 Local Action Group Ziemia Gotyku realize LEADER transnational cooperation project Eco-North.

The aim of this project is to activate and animate local inhibitants and improve the level of social capital of the inhibtants od each partner Local Strategy Devlopment area. In the project partners activate and promote eco-friendly attitudes among the inhabitants of each partner local strategy development area. An important part of the procjet is the exchange of good practise and methods

Responsible person for the project is Marta Kruszczyńska, e-mail: projekty@ziemiagotyku.com

More information HERE

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